About us

CELS (Centre for English Language Skills) offers a wide range of courses covering various areas of English language skills development – from training the Trainer to Customized courses catering to specific needs of individuals and organizations. In a world where English is increasingly important for work, leisure and education, we are focused on ‘learner-friendly’ designed programs which appeal to participants, providing invaluable scope to enhance their level of competence in the language.What is offered at CELS is a culmination of the creative inputs of many experts in the field.

MISSION – To provide opportunities for personal and professional advancement through the media of English language skills development and work with individuals to bring out their latent skills, so that these may be utilized in various stages of progress in their work and social life.

VISION – We aim to meet the challenging demands in the ever changing world of education and work, by giving each individual the opportunity to develop his or her skills to the fullest potential and harness the vastness of the English language – We believe in innovation


To develop further communicative skills in the English language, with special emphasis on Spoken English – so as to acquire fluency in speech at an intermediate level of attainment.To create an awareness of aspects such as good pronunciation, general etiquette, greetings and courtesies in a corporate and social environment.

To be made familiar with common English expressions and grammatical items – so as to enhance Language Fluency.

To encourage informal talks based on various topics of interest to the learners, with a view to develop Confidence and Effective Speaking among the participants.


In language teaching, the most effective methodology has proven to be the practical approach. Vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and language skills are developed through a variety of language practice activities, including dialogues and role-play – creating real life situations within the classroom.

This strategy provides ample scope for active student participation, and also establishes the right atmosphere to make English Language learning a pleasant and effective experience at CELS.


All aspects of English language learning will be developed through Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing activities in the classroom.

Workshop scenarios will be common in the classroom with the use of Audio and Video equipment so as to give participants a better understanding of the English Language.

Home-work will be a vital part of the program and will be set out through printed notes given at each lesson for further practice outside classroom time.

Classroom activities such as Role-play, to create real life situations that encourage interactive student participation and regular discussions on topics of interest among the participants.